We are making progress in reducing our environmental impact
EADA regularly measures the environmental impact of its activities and actions as part of its focus on becoming a sustainable organisation with a positive impact. Some of the initiatives designed to reduce our environmental impact include:
- “Think before you print”:
awareness raising in our community about reducing the number of printed documents and using equipment responsibly. - We use FSC-certified paper,
which promotes the responsible, social and economic management of the world’s forests. - We have increased the use of digital
over paper format for promotional and advertising materials. - In 2019, the Campus Aragó - Campus 1 was fully refurbished in accordance with sustainability criteria
and energy-efficient architecture. - Supporting proximity:
we source a selection of local, organic products for personal consumption on EADA campuses. - Consumption of renewable energy:
since the end of 2019, EADA has obtained 100% of its electricity from renewable energy sources. It holds the Certificate of Guarantees of Origin (GdO's) issued by the National Commission on Markets and Competition (CNMC) and as a result, emits zero CO2 emissions or radioactive pollutants. On the Barcelona campus:- Electricity is generated for self-consumption via photovoltaic panels.
- Low energy lighting has been installed, with an automatic on/off BMS system.
- Water consumption is regulated by photoelectric cells ensuring the right consumption for the required activity.
- Energy Performance Certificate: A.

Consumption indicators
EADA carries out an annual assessment of its consumption indicators as part of its effort to work towards sustainable consumption and uphold its commitment to the environment.
Consumption indicators 2020-2021:

Details of environmental improvements on our campuses:

Campus Barcelona Aragó - Campus 1
El Campus Barcelona Aragó - Campus 1 was refurbished in 2019 according to sustainability criteria, with sustainable architecture and eco-design.
It is a smart, 4,500 m² state-of-the-art building in which functionality, technological transformation and energy efficiency were key elements of its refurbishment.
The building makes use of the natural resources of the environment in the following ways:
- Use of passive thermal insulation and solar protection systems to save energy.
- The solar orientation of the building means both north and south façades are used, controlling the shape coefficient.
- The building makes use of natural light and ventilation in the interior spaces: classrooms, administrative and other service areas.
- High energy- efficient systems for hot water, air renewal, heating, air conditioning and lighting has helped to reduce our ecological footprint and increase energy efficiency in our facilities.

Campus Barcelona Provença - Campus 2
The Barcelona Provença - Campus 2, is due to open in 2023 and has recently undergone a full refurbishment. It has also been awarded the LEED certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).
This certification means that the building is built to eco-efficiency standards and meets sustainability requirements. It is a voluntary recognition that rewards the use of sustainable strategies in all construction processes of the building, from the suitability of the plot where it is located, to the efficiency of water and energy use, the selection of sustainable materials and indoor environmental quality

Campus Collbató
Impact improvements currently in study phase.

Providing support for greater social impact
Our institution creates and promotes social actions, collaborating in social initiatives to promote equality, diversity, multiculturalism and equal opportunities in the EADA community and its environment. We continuously strive to expand and improve the proposals on offer to become an organisation that creates impact, with initiatives from our Community and teams.

Scholarships to support talent and research projects that contribute to social and economic development
Initiative of high social value that gives talented students and professionals access to employment through scholarship training. We raise over € 500,000 in annual scholarship funding from our donors who are firmly committed to supporting talent and promoting sustainable leadership, diversity and equal opportunities. These scholarships include: the Irene Vázquez Scholarship, Employability Scholarships and the Larson-Torras Scholarship
Read more about the EADA Fund for Positive Impact scholarships >>
Regular scholarship programme to provide access to career development for specific groups.
Women, senior professionals, entrepreneurs, people with disabilities, professionals from the third sector, talent, elite athletes, among others.
Annual team initiative proposes different social projects to collaborate with.
The chosen project receives the amount raised during the year by teaming members.
They are focused on the empirical understandnig of different social issues
such as gender equality in the professional sphere, social entrepreneurship etc.
In order to improve female representation in business
- Scholarships to facilitate women’s access to EADA programmes including management programmes such as the Executive MBA and the Global Executive MBA.
- We collaborate with ICSA Grupo to publish the annual report on The wage gap and female presence in management in Spain, to highlight the gender wage gap among managers in Spain.
- Dissemination of EADA alumni who have based their professional careers on purpose and the common good such as the Women with a Purpose campaign.
Some of the most outstanding:
Strategic agreement with Ashoka Spain, a leading non-profit organisation in the field of social entrepreneurship, which solves challenges together with entrepreneurs and our participants. EADA has recently invited Ashoka Spain to set up their permanent office on its Barcelona campus.
EADA is a signatory of the Manifesto for the legal recognition of purpose-driven and common good companies
led by Fundación B Lab Spain. As a result, the Spanish Congress has approved the creation of a law that recognises companies that create social and environmental value, beyond their economic value.
We are strategic partners of the global initiative, Barcelona+B. This pioneering project was launched in Spain 2022 with the aim of improving the social and environmental impact of companies and citizens in Barcelona making it a more prosperous, sustainable and inclusive city.
Blood bank donation
We organise an annual Blood Bank campaign on our Barcelona Campus 1.
Food donation campaign
We collaborate with the Banc d’Aliments (Food Bank foundation in Barcelona) during their Christmas campaign and encourage our students and staff to participate.
Other purpose-driven social initiatives
They are organised annually at EADA for staff and participants: fundraising actions for social, health or research causes (charity sports tournaments, donations, collection and transport of food supplies, medical research etc.).
Our international participants regularly carry out their final Master's projects with organisations that work towards sustainability and social good. One such project was carried out in collaboration with Barcelona Oberta to help unemployed immigrants re-enter the job market).

Training produces a multiplier effect with a positive economic impact

Targeted training
EADA generates an impact in economic development by creating training programmes that support and facilitate the development and transformation of organisations and people at different stages of their professional career. EADA uses its own applied research to design high-quality programmes.

Multiplier effect
Our training programmes give professionals an in-depth awareness of their own management skills and competencies, as well as the potential effect of their leadership (sustainable leadership) when it comes to transforming companies into organisations that create an impact on society (multiplier effect). Since its foundation in 1957, more than 120,000 professionals have trained with EADA and 20,000 are still actively involved.

We update and evaluate our programmes
To meet the needs of our Community and the job market, and offer innovative training that adapts to the current context. We believe in lifelong learning: specialist knowledge, updating skills or competencies via upskilling and reskilling.

We have an extensive portfolio of more than 70 programmes that cover different categories and business areas, aimed at people at different stages of their professional career, companies and corporations:
- Undergraduate programmes
- Postgraduate programmes
- Master’s programmes and MBAs
- Short training courses
- In Company training (custom programmes for companies.

Complementary activities
Our commitment and responsibility towards the professional development of people and companies also extends to the many training activities we organise:
- Reports and studies
- Knowledge events
- Webinars
- Contributions to magazines, articles and disseminating material
- Networking

High-quality training
It is our aim to apply academic excellence to the reality of the business world.
We believe that professionals develop at EADA as the result of up-to-date, innovative and high-quality training. This is made possible by:
- +70 in-depth management programmes, up-to-date training or training for specific job positions. Programmes designed on the basis of research.
- Expertise from our academic team.
- EADA has an engaged, qualified and committed team.
- Career services and jobsite with over 2,000 job recruitment opportunities.
- Over 60 years of academic experience in management training.
- Our ‘learning by doing’ methodology is practical and adapts to different formats (immersive learning).
- Career guidance workshops: 2Grow workshops, +70 training activities, +30 online.
- Access to the national and international job recruitment agencies such as Michael Page, Cátenon, Bros Group and ICSA.
- Partnerships with leading business schools and organisations to develop specialised subjects and programmes: SKEMA Business School, École des Ponts, BDATA, Ashoka, CFA Institute, etc.
- Alumni of over 120,000 members: Network sessions, special offers, Alumni clubs, Alumni Mentorship, Knowledge & Information Centre.
- Commitment to 8 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).