The EADA Business School Barcelona Steering Committee members are:
General Management

Dr. Jordi Díaz
Dean & Director General
Doctorate of Business Administration from École des Ponts Paris Tech. Master's in Human Resources Management from EADA. Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Wales. He is a graduate of the Authentic Leadership Development and Disruptive Strategy programs at Harvard Business School.
He started his professional career at the Ritz-Carlton. In 2002 he joined EADA as Director of International Programs and until August 2020 he was Director of Programs and International Relations and member of the EADA Executive Committee. During the 2008-2012 period he was a member of the Executive MBA Council (USA) board of directors and its president for the 2010-2011 period. From 2014 to 2021 he was a board member of EPAS -European accreditation of programs- and since 2017 he is director of the Executive Academy of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD Global Network, Switzerland). Member of different Advisory Boards in various international business schools such as: Universidad del Rosario (Colombia), Burgundy Business School (France), École des Ponts Business School (France), CENTRUM Católica (Peru), Universidad San Francisco de Quito Business School ( Ecuador) and Athena School of Management (India).
He is Professor of innovation and co-author of the Amazon’s bestseller in business development "The Innovative Management Education Ecosystem."
Area Management

Bibiana Camba
Director of International Development
Graduated in English Language and Literature from the University of Southampton and Universitat de Barcelona, and International Master in Marketing from EADA Business School, joined EADA in 2002, where she has held, for the last 18 years, the position of Admissions Director to the International Degree Programmes.
Results-driven and with extensive experience in the field of sales, marketing, admissions and international business development in the higher education sector, she assumes, the academic year 2020/2021, the position of Director of International Development and joins the EADA Steering Committee.

Antonio Coca
Director of People & Culture
A member of the human resources department, he has worked at EADA Business School and provided consultancy for companies in the health sector during his professional career.
A Graduate in Work Sciences from the Open University of Catalonia and holding a diploma in Labour Relations from the University of Barcelona, he studied the PDG General Management programme and the Executive Master in Human Resources at the EADA Business School, with specific training in the areas of negotiation and labour organisation.

Helena Mestras
Financial Director
Helena has solid professional experience in the financial area of more than 18 years in the service sector and in the retail sector as head of management control and as financial director. Previously, she was a senior consultant at PwC for 5 years. In addition, she has combined her professional activity with her academic one, forming part of the team of tutors for BBA final projects in the Department of Strategy at ESADE.

Dr. Ramon Noguera
Academic Director
He holds a PhD in International Politics from the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, and a Master in Law and International Politics from the University of Hull, as well as a degree in International Relations from Lancaster University (the United Kingdom).
Prior to joining EADA, he has worked actively in university management and research, holding the positions of Project Director (manager) in the CERCA programme of the Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) of the Government of Catalonia; Managing Director of the Autonomous University of Barcelona Research Park; European Advisor at the office of Research Councils of the United Kingdom in Europe, and head of the European Office of the University of Nottingham (the United Kingdom). He currently teaches Analysis of the Economic Environment.

Dr. Marco A. Peña
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Marco has a background in ICT, having initially started his career in teaching and research in Spanish universities (the UPC and the UOC), and also conducting research and teaching in Japan (the University of Aizu), Italy (Politecnico di Torino), etc. and has more than 15 research publications. In the field of business, he has worked in consultancy for process improvement, auditing and ICT management, working as the Head of IT at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics and Monitor Medical.
A Graduate in Computer Science Engineering and holding a PhD in IT from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and a Master in Direction and Management of Information Systems and Technology from the Open University of Catalonia (UOC).
He combines his activity as associate professor of the Department of Marketing, Operations and Supply at the EADA Business School with work in the field of consultancy.
An active member in several professional groups such as the Official School of Computer Engineering of Catalonia (COEINF), the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), the IT Service Management Forum (itSMF), the Spanish Association for the Promotion of Information Security (ISMS Forum), the EADA Business and Technology community, the Organisation and Information Systems Group of the School of Economists of Catalonia and ACCID, etc.

Miquel Roselló
Director of Executive Education
Graduated in psychology, master in human resources management and postgraduate in executive coaching from EADA Business School.
He has a solid professional career in the field of talent and people management in the human resources consulting environment. In 2012 he began his professional career in the education sector with EADA. He initially joined EADA as a career advisor and later assumed the responsibility of leading the area of professional careers in Executive Education until September 2021, when he held the position of Director of Executive Education.

Rosa Salvadó
Director of Marketing & Engagement
A graduate in advertising and public relations from the University of Barcelona (UB), and having studied History, Rosa has focused her career in the area of communication and marketing in companies and organisations.
Her domestic and international experience and working career, including the last three years in Canada, combines with a managerial profile and the ability to constantly adapt when assuming new responsibilities at EADA. Through her long professional career, she has mainly worked in food retail, the third sector and communication, in companies such as Metowe (Canada), Oxfam Intermon, La Sirena, Dunkin' Donuts, Sylvan Learning Systems and Hill&Knowlton, among others.