EADA Business School and the consultancy firm ICSA Grupo have today presented the 18th edition of the study “Salary Evolution 2007-2024”. This report, which analyses the average salaries of executives...
According to the 'Executive Education 2022 Ranking', published by the prestigious 'Financial Times', EADA continues to improve its position among the most well-known business schools in the world.
'The wage gap and female presence in management 2022 Report' by EADA and ICSA Grupo EADA highlights a decrease in the presence of women in management roles and a salary gap in all professional...
EADA has joined the Barcelona+B initiative alongside Barcelona City Council, B Lab Spain and Ferrer to create a more prosperous, sustainable and inclusive city.
Pilar Conesa, founder and CEO of Anteverti as well as Curator of the Smart City Expo World Congress, is the latest member of the Board of Trustees of the EADA Foundation.
From 20th to 22nd April, International Master in Marketing participants used disruptive innovation to create business ideas in the Marketing Disruptive Innovation Challenge 2022.
During EADA's Company Connection Week, from 5th to 7th April, international master's participants visited flagship local companies which have become strategic hubs all over the world.
From 7th to 9th March, Master in Sustainable Business and Innovation participants used disruptive innovation to create business ideas in the first edition of the MSBI Innovation Challenge.