Marketing, Operations and Supply

Desirée Knoppen

Desirée Knoppen

Head of Department

Desirée Knoppen holds a Ph.D. in Management Science from ESADE Business School and a M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. Her research focuses on organizational learning and innovation capabilities in the context of value creation networks. She has published her research in international peer reviewed journals such as Business Strategy & the Environment, Environmental Science and Policy, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Production and Operations Management, and Management Learning. Her teaching focusses on circular economy and on companies´ transformation roadmaps towards genuine sustainability. Desirée has ample consulting experience in a wide range of sectors and in different countries (the Netherlands, Spain, Colombia, Mexico). She is currently Head of EADA´s sustainability hub and the Marketing, Operations and Supply Department.

Behavioral operations management, sustainability driven innovation, learning capabilities, empirical research methods.

Ph D - Doctor of Philosophy | , ESADE Business School

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | M.Sc. (DEA in Management Research), ESADE Business School

MS - Master of Science | , Eindhoven University of Technology

European Operations Management Association - EUROMA

Academy of Management -

Production and Operations Management Society – College of Behavioral Operations Management - POMS


Responsible of Sustainability Hub, EADA Business School (2023-)

Professor and Department head, EADA Business School (2011-)

Adjunct professor, Zaragoza Logistics Center - MIT Zaragoza International Program (2011-)

Adjunct Professor, EADA Business School (2010-2011)

Guest lecturer, University of Amsterdam - Faculty of Economics and Business (2006-2006)

Guest lecturer , ESADE Business School (Barcelona) (2003-2005)

Course Instructor, Universidad de los Andes - Industrial Engineering Department (Bogotá, Colombia) (1995-1997)


(Assistant) research professor, Zaragoza Logistics Center – MIT Zaragoza International Logistics Program (Spain) (2006-2011)

Senior Researcher, Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (2007-2009)

Researcher, Institute for Labor Studies (Instituto de Estudios Laborales, IEL) – ESADE (2003-2006)

Demand Planning Area Manager, Laboratorios Pisa - Guadalajara, Mexico (2000-2002)

Analyst, European Distribution Network Group of EMI Compact Disc (1994-1995)

Formación y Perfeccionamiento (2004 - 2007)

Sintec (1999 - 2000)

Inter Acces Management Consulting (1998 - 1999)

EMI Colombia (1996 - 1997)

Case Study with Teaching Note

MASSA SALUZZO, F. , KNOPPEN, D. Ecoalf – balanceando propósito y crecimiento. : .

Conference Proceeding

KNOPPEN, D. , Knight, L. , , . (2024). Beyond growth: Implications for organizing the supply base of organizations. : 10th International Degrowth Conference and the 15th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics .

KNOPPEN, D. , Knight, L. (2017). SCM in Born Sustainable Firms: Challenging assumptions from a supply management perspective. : IPSERA.

Revilla, E. , KNOPPEN, D. (2014). Integrating Knowledge in Buyer-Supplier Relationships: Empirical evidence on Key Outcomes and Antecedents. : Decision Sciences Institute.

KNOPPEN, D. , Jones, A. , Raaij, E. (2014). The role of strategic purchasing in dynamic capability development and deployment: A contingency perspective. : AoM.

KNOPPEN, D. , Sáenz, M. (2014). The effect of flexibility and inter-organizational learning on supply chain performance. : EUROMA.

Jones, A. , KNOPPEN, D. , Raaij, E. (2014). Strategic purchasing and learning capability in service versus manufacturing firms. : IPSERA.

Brandon-Jones, A. , KNOPPEN, D. , Raaij, E. (2013). A contingent dynamic capabilities perspective on strategic purchasing. : EUROMA.

KNOPPEN, D. , Sáenz, M. , Johnston, D. (2012). Supply Chain Relationships as a Context for Learning: Connecting Inter- and Intra-organizational Learning Processes. : EUROMA-POMS Amsterdam.


Sáenz, M. , Revilla, E. , KNOPPEN, D. , Herrero, L. (2011). Enhancing Supply Chain Performance through Cultural Alignment and Inter-organizational Learning. Boston: Organizational Learning Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) Conference.

KNOPPEN, D. , Akin, M. , Brandon-Jones, A. , Luzini, D. , van Raaij, E. , Wijnstra, F. (2011). Pooling survey data in the operations and supply management literature : A review and illustration of equivalence tests. . : IPSERA 2011 Maastricht.

Trepte, K. , Sáenz, M. , KNOPPEN, D. (2011). Power and Learning: An Inter-organizational Perspective. : Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) annual meeting, .

Revilla, E. , Sáenz, M. , KNOPPEN, D. (2010). An empirical assessment of absorptive capacity configurations in supply chains. Oporto: European Operations Management Association (EUROMA) conference.

KNOPPEN, D. , Bernardes, E. , Brandon-Jones, A. , Dabhilkar, M. , Luzzini, D. , Ronchi, S. , van Raaij, E. , Team, I. (2010). Analysis of equivalence among sub-samples: Preliminary results of the International Purchasing Survey. Oporto: European Operations Management Association (EUROMA) conference.

KNOPPEN, D. , al., B. (2009). A Proposal for research in Purchasing and Supply Management. Wiesbaden, Germany: International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA) Conference.

KNOPPEN, D. , Sáenz, M. , Johnston, D. (2009). Relational absorptive capacity: preliminary empirical evidence for a relational theory of absorptive capacity in supply chains. Amsterdam: Organizational Learning Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) Conference.

KNOPPEN, D. , Johnston, D. , Sáenz, M. (2009). Relational absorptive capacity: the capability to innovate in supply chain relationship. Chicago: Academy of Management (AoM) Conference.

KNOPPEN, D. , Sáenz, M. (2008). Relational absorptive capacity: learning in supply chain relationships. Lausanne, Switzerland: Human and Organizational Factors of Production Planning and Scheduling (HOPS) Conference.

KNOPPEN, D. , Christiaanse, E. , Huysman, M. (2007). Learning to Collaborate: The Dynamics of Adaptation in Supply Chain Partnerships. Philadelphia, US: Academy of Management (AOM) Meeting.

KNOPPEN, D. , Sáenz, M. , Cano, J. , , . (2007). THE SCMLAB: A LEARNING LABORATORY FOR SUPPLY CHAIN COLLABORATIVE REDESIGN. : proceedings from Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management - Multidisciplinary Research on New Methods for Learning and Innovation in Enterprise Networks, by Thoben, Hauge, Smeds and Riis (Eds.), Aachen: Verlag Mainz, 2007..

KNOPPEN, D. , Christiaanse, E. (2006). Adaptation, Learning, and Power in supply chain partnerships. University of Warwick, UK: Organizational Learning, Knowledge, and Capabilities (OLKC) Conference.

KNOPPEN, D. , Christiaanse, E. (2004). Supply chain partnering: the role of adaptation in a temporal model. Dublin, Ireland: Eleventh Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets: relationships in electronic markets (RSEEM.

Journal Article, Scholarly

KNOPPEN, D. , Knight, L. , , . (2022). Pursuing sustainability advantage: The dynamic capabilities of Born Sustainable Firms. : Wiley.

KNOPPEN, D. , Saris, W. , Moncagatta, P. (2021). Absorptive capacity dimensions and the measurement of cumulativeness. : Journal of Business Research.


Janjevic, M. , KNOPPEN, D. , Winckenbach, M. (2019). Integrated decision-making framework for urban freight logistics policy-making. : Transportation Research Part D.

KNOPPEN, D. , Brandon-Jones, A. (2018). The role of strategic purchasing in dynamic capability development and deployment: A contingency perspective. : International Journal of Operations and Production Management .

Sáenz, M. , KNOPPEN, D. , Tachizawa, E. (2017). ​Building manufacturing flexibility with strategic suppliers and contingent effect of product dynamism on customer satisfaction. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.

KNOPPEN, D. , Sáenz, M. (2017). Interorganizational Teams in Low- Versus High-Dependence Contexts. : International Journal of Production Economics.

Rivera, L. , Sheffi, Y. , KNOPPEN, D. (2016). Logistics clusters: the impact of further agglomeration, training and firm size on collaboration and value added services. : International Journal of Production Economics.

KNOPPEN, D. , Akin, M. , Brandon-Jones, A. , Luzini, D. , van Raaij, E. , Wijnstra, F. (2015). A Comprehensive Assessment of Measurement Equivalence in Operations Management. : International Journal of Production Research.

Revilla, E. , KNOPPEN, D. (2015). Building knowledge integration in buyer-supplier relationships: the critical role of strategic supply management and trust. : International Journal of Operations and Production Management.

KNOPPEN, D. , Johnston, D. , Sáenz, M. (2015). Supply Chain Relationships as a Context for Learning Leading to Innovation. Emerald: International journal of logistics management.

KNOPPEN, D. , Ateş, M. , Brandon-Jones, A. , LUZZINI, D. , van Raaij, E. , Wynstra, F. (2015). A comprehensive assessment of measurement equivalence in operations management. : International Journal of Production Research.

KNOPPEN, D. , Sáenz, M. (2014). Purchasing: Can we bridge the gap between strategy and daily reality?. : Business Horizons.

Sáenz, M. , Revilla, E. , KNOPPEN, D. , , . (2013). Absorptive capacity in buyer-supplier relationships: empirical evidence of its mediating role.. : Journal of supply chain management.

Revilla, E. , Sáenz, M. , KNOPPEN, D. (2013). Towards an empirical typology of buyer–supplier relationships based on absorptive capacity. : International journal of production research.

Saris, W. , KNOPPEN, D. , Schwartz, S. (2013). Operationalizing The Theory of Human Values: Balancing Homogeneity of Reflective Items and Theoretical Coverage. : Survey Research Methods.

Revilla, E. , KNOPPEN, D. , , . (2012). Contextual Antecedents and Performance of Team Vision in Product Development. : International Journal of Operations and Production Management.

KNOPPEN, D. , Sáenz, M. , Johnston, D. (2011). Innovations in a Relational Context: Mechanisms to connect Learning Processes of Absorptive Capacity. : Management Learning.

KNOPPEN, D. , Christiaanse, E. , Huysman, M. (2010). Supply Chain Relationships: Exploring the Linkage between Inter-organisational Adaptation and Learning. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.

KNOPPEN, D. , Saenz, M. (2009). Collaboration Stimulation through Supply Chain Simulation. : International Journal of Procurement Management.

KNOPPEN, D. , Saris, W. (2009). Do we have to combine values in the Schwartz´ Human Values Scale? A comment on the Davidov studies. : Survey Research Methods.

KNOPPEN, D. , Christiaanse, E. (2007). Interorganizational adaptation in Supply chains: a behavioral perspective. : International Journal of Logistics Management.

KNOPPEN, D. , Christiaanse, E. (2007). Supply Chain Partnering: a temporal multidisciplinary approach. : Supply Chain Management: an International Journal.

KNOPPEN, D. , Dolan, S. , Díez-Piñol, M. , Bell, M. (2006). A triangulation analysis of value congruency in corporate Spain: American dream or Spanish reality?. : International Journal of Human Resource Management.

KNOPPEN, D. , Christiaanse, E. (2005). A transformational lens on supply chain partnerships. : M@n@gement: special issue on Interorganizational alliances and networks.

Chapters in Scholarly Book

KNOPPEN, D. (2021). Connecting supply and demand markets in a circular economy: The case of Saica. : Kogan Page .