Marketing, Operaciones y Supply

Desirée Knoppen

Desirée Knoppen

Head of Department

Desirée Knoppen es Doctora en Ciencias Empresariales (ESADE, Barcelona) e Ingeniera Industrial (Eindhoven University of Technology, Holanda). Su investigación se centra en las capacidades organizativas de aprendizaje e innovación en el contexto de redes de creación de valor. Ha publicado en revistas como Business Strategy & the Environment, Environmental Science and Policy, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Production and Operations Management, y Management Learning. Su docencia se centra en Economía Circular y el acompañamiento de empresas a definir su hoja de ruta hacia la sostenibilidad genuina. Desirée cuenta con una amplia experiencia en consultoría en temas de operaciones y supply, en un abanico de sectores y países (España, México, Holanda, Colombia). Actualmente, es responsable del Sustainability Hub y del Departamento académico de Marketing, Operaciones & Supply de EADA.

Behavioral operations management, sustainability driven innovation, learning capabilities, empirical research methods.

Ph D - Doctor of Philosophy | , ESADE Business School

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | M.Sc. (DEA in Management Research), ESADE Business School

MS - Master of Science | , Eindhoven University of Technology

European Operations Management Association - EUROMA

Academy of Management -

Production and Operations Management Society – College of Behavioral Operations Management - POMS


Professor and Department head, EADA Business School (2011-)

Adjunct professor, Zaragoza Logistics Center - MIT Zaragoza International Program (2011-)

Adjunct Professor, EADA Business School (2010-2011)

Guest lecturer, University of Amsterdam - Faculty of Economics and Business (2006-2006)

Guest lecturer , ESADE Business School (Barcelona) (2003-2005)

Course Instructor, Universidad de los Andes - Industrial Engineering Department (Bogotá, Colombia) (1995-1997)


(Assistant) research professor, Zaragoza Logistics Center – MIT Zaragoza International Logistics Program (Spain) (2006-2011)

Senior Researcher, Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (2007-2009)

Researcher, Institute for Labor Studies (Instituto de Estudios Laborales, IEL) – ESADE (2003-2006)

Demand Planning Area Manager, Laboratorios Pisa - Guadalajara, Mexico (2000-2002)

Analyst, European Distribution Network Group of EMI Compact Disc (1994-1995)

Formación y Perfeccionamiento (2004 - 2007)

Sintec (1999 - 2000)

Inter Acces Management Consulting (1998 - 1999)

EMI Colombia (1996 - 1997)

Case Study with Teaching Note

MASSA SALUZZO, F. , KNOPPEN, D. Ecoalf – balanceando propósito y crecimiento. : .

Journal Article, Scholarly

KNOPPEN, D. , Saris, W. , Moncagatta, P. (2021). Absorptive capacity dimensions and the measurement of cumulativeness. : Journal of Business Research.


Janjevic, M. , KNOPPEN, D. , Winckenbach, M. (2019). Integrated decision-making framework for urban freight logistics policy-making. : Transportation Research Part D.

KNOPPEN, D. , Brandon-Jones, A. (2018). The role of strategic purchasing in dynamic capability development and deployment: A contingency perspective. : International Journal of Operations and Production Management .

Sáenz, M. , KNOPPEN, D. , Tachizawa, E. (2017). ​Building manufacturing flexibility with strategic suppliers and contingent effect of product dynamism on customer satisfaction. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.

KNOPPEN, D. , Sáenz, M. (2017). Interorganizational Teams in Low- Versus High-Dependence Contexts. : International Journal of Production Economics.

Rivera, L. , Sheffi, Y. , KNOPPEN, D. (2016). Logistics clusters: the impact of further agglomeration, training and firm size on collaboration and value added services. : International Journal of Production Economics.

KNOPPEN, D. , Akin, M. , Brandon-Jones, A. , Luzini, D. , van Raaij, E. , Wijnstra, F. (2015). A Comprehensive Assessment of Measurement Equivalence in Operations Management. : International Journal of Production Research.

Revilla, E. , KNOPPEN, D. (2015). Building knowledge integration in buyer-supplier relationships: the critical role of strategic supply management and trust. : International Journal of Operations and Production Management.

KNOPPEN, D. , Johnston, D. , Sáenz, M. (2015). Supply Chain Relationships as a Context for Learning Leading to Innovation. Emerald: International journal of logistics management.

KNOPPEN, D. , Ateş, M. , Brandon-Jones, A. , LUZZINI, D. , van Raaij, E. , Wynstra, F. (2015). A comprehensive assessment of measurement equivalence in operations management. : International Journal of Production Research.

KNOPPEN, D. , Sáenz, M. (2014). Purchasing: Can we bridge the gap between strategy and daily reality?. : Business Horizons.

Sáenz, M. , Revilla, E. , KNOPPEN, D. , , . (2013). Absorptive capacity in buyer-supplier relationships: empirical evidence of its mediating role.. : Journal of supply chain management.

Revilla, E. , Sáenz, M. , KNOPPEN, D. (2013). Towards an empirical typology of buyer–supplier relationships based on absorptive capacity. : International journal of production research.

Saris, W. , KNOPPEN, D. , Schwartz, S. (2013). Operationalizing The Theory of Human Values: Balancing Homogeneity of Reflective Items and Theoretical Coverage. : Survey Research Methods.

Revilla, E. , KNOPPEN, D. , , . (2012). Contextual Antecedents and Performance of Team Vision in Product Development. : International Journal of Operations and Production Management.

KNOPPEN, D. , Sáenz, M. , Johnston, D. (2011). Innovations in a Relational Context: Mechanisms to connect Learning Processes of Absorptive Capacity. : Management Learning.

KNOPPEN, D. , Christiaanse, E. , Huysman, M. (2010). Supply Chain Relationships: Exploring the Linkage between Inter-organisational Adaptation and Learning. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.

KNOPPEN, D. , Saenz, M. (2009). Collaboration Stimulation through Supply Chain Simulation. : International Journal of Procurement Management.

KNOPPEN, D. , Saris, W. (2009). Do we have to combine values in the Schwartz´ Human Values Scale? A comment on the Davidov studies. : Survey Research Methods.

KNOPPEN, D. , Christiaanse, E. (2007). Interorganizational adaptation in Supply chains: a behavioral perspective. : International Journal of Logistics Management.

KNOPPEN, D. , Christiaanse, E. (2007). Supply Chain Partnering: a temporal multidisciplinary approach. : Supply Chain Management: an International Journal.

KNOPPEN, D. , Dolan, S. , Díez-Piñol, M. , Bell, M. (2006). A triangulation analysis of value congruency in corporate Spain: American dream or Spanish reality?. : International Journal of Human Resource Management.

KNOPPEN, D. , Christiaanse, E. (2005). A transformational lens on supply chain partnerships. : M@n@gement: special issue on Interorganizational alliances and networks.

Chapters in Scholarly Book

KNOPPEN, D. (2021). Connecting supply and demand markets in a circular economy: The case of Saica. : Kogan Page .

Conference Proceeding

KNOPPEN, D. , Knight, L. (2017). SCM in Born Sustainable Firms: Challenging assumptions from a supply management perspective. : IPSERA.

Revilla, E. , KNOPPEN, D. (2014). Integrating Knowledge in Buyer-Supplier Relationships: Empirical evidence on Key Outcomes and Antecedents. : Decision Sciences Institute.

KNOPPEN, D. , Jones, A. , Raaij, E. (2014). The role of strategic purchasing in dynamic capability development and deployment: A contingency perspective. : AoM.

KNOPPEN, D. , Sáenz, M. (2014). The effect of flexibility and inter-organizational learning on supply chain performance. : EUROMA.

Jones, A. , KNOPPEN, D. , Raaij, E. (2014). Strategic purchasing and learning capability in service versus manufacturing firms. : IPSERA.

Brandon-Jones, A. , KNOPPEN, D. , Raaij, E. (2013). A contingent dynamic capabilities perspective on strategic purchasing. : EUROMA.

KNOPPEN, D. , Sáenz, M. , Johnston, D. (2012). Supply Chain Relationships as a Context for Learning: Connecting Inter- and Intra-organizational Learning Processes. : EUROMA-POMS Amsterdam.


Sáenz, M. , Revilla, E. , KNOPPEN, D. , Herrero, L. (2011). Enhancing Supply Chain Performance through Cultural Alignment and Inter-organizational Learning. Boston: Organizational Learning Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) Conference.

KNOPPEN, D. , Akin, M. , Brandon-Jones, A. , Luzini, D. , van Raaij, E. , Wijnstra, F. (2011). Pooling survey data in the operations and supply management literature : A review and illustration of equivalence tests. . : IPSERA 2011 Maastricht.

Revilla, E. , Sáenz, M. , KNOPPEN, D. (2010). An empirical assessment of absorptive capacity configurations in supply chains. Oporto: European Operations Management Association (EUROMA) conference.

KNOPPEN, D. , Bernardes, E. , Brandon-Jones, A. , Dabhilkar, M. , Luzzini, D. , Ronchi, S. , van Raaij, E. , Team, I. (2010). Analysis of equivalence among sub-samples: Preliminary results of the International Purchasing Survey. Oporto: European Operations Management Association (EUROMA) conference.

KNOPPEN, D. , al., B. (2009). A Proposal for research in Purchasing and Supply Management. Wiesbaden, Germany: International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA) Conference.

KNOPPEN, D. , Sáenz, M. , Johnston, D. (2009). Relational absorptive capacity: preliminary empirical evidence for a relational theory of absorptive capacity in supply chains. Amsterdam: Organizational Learning Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) Conference.

KNOPPEN, D. , Johnston, D. , Sáenz, M. (2009). Relational absorptive capacity: the capability to innovate in supply chain relationship. Chicago: Academy of Management (AoM) Conference.

KNOPPEN, D. , Sáenz, M. (2008). Relational absorptive capacity: learning in supply chain relationships. Lausanne, Switzerland: Human and Organizational Factors of Production Planning and Scheduling (HOPS) Conference.

KNOPPEN, D. , Christiaanse, E. , Huysman, M. (2007). Learning to Collaborate: The Dynamics of Adaptation in Supply Chain Partnerships. Philadelphia, US: Academy of Management (AOM) Meeting.

KNOPPEN, D. , Sáenz, M. , Cano, J. , , . (2007). THE SCMLAB: A LEARNING LABORATORY FOR SUPPLY CHAIN COLLABORATIVE REDESIGN. : proceedings from Workshop on Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial Management - Multidisciplinary Research on New Methods for Learning and Innovation in Enterprise Networks, by Thoben, Hauge, Smeds and Riis (Eds.), Aachen: Verlag Mainz, 2007..

KNOPPEN, D. , Christiaanse, E. (2006). Adaptation, Learning, and Power in supply chain partnerships. University of Warwick, UK: Organizational Learning, Knowledge, and Capabilities (OLKC) Conference.

KNOPPEN, D. , Christiaanse, E. (2004). Supply chain partnering: the role of adaptation in a temporal model. Dublin, Ireland: Eleventh Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets: relationships in electronic markets (RSEEM.