EADA, among the top business schools in Europe in 2014

The Financial Times European Business Schools Ranking 2014 ranks EADA in the Top 25
Barcelona stands out as a cutting-edge European city with the best selection of business schools
EADA ranks among the top European business schools in 2014, according to the European Business Schools Ranking that has just been published by the British daily, the Financial Times. More specifically, EADA has climbed up one place on the ranking, and now ranks 24th consolidating its presence among the 25 best European business schools, one of the aspects that master students value the most, especially those who are going to enrol on one of the school’s training programmes in 2015.
According to Miquel Espinosa, the general director of EADA, “we can only express satisfaction for this result and give our thanks for all the efforts made by the institution”. In his opinion, “it is not easy, to consolidate our privileged position among the top 25 European business school three years in a row”.
EADA has consolidated its position, ranking number 24, a great achievement if you take into account that the Financial Times evaluated 80 business schools in order to draw up its ranking. Furthermore, its ascent up this well recognised ranking has been continuous, as can be seen by the fact that EADA has climbed up 21 places since 2007, which also places it among the best business schools in Spain. In addition to this we should also mention EADA’s contribution to making Barcelona the best European destination chosen by students to take a master course. Along with two other business schools it is one of the schools that attract more managerial profiles from all over Europe, wishing to better their careers.
One of the ranking’s characteristics is that it is very complex given that the FT calculates an average based on various specific rankings carried out throughout the year and that focus on the different programmes offered by schools (MBA, EMBA, Master in Management, Open Executive Education and Custom Programmes). One outstanding feature is the importance the FT ranking gives to the faculty of the schools concerning three specific factors: the presence of women on the faculty, international faculty and the percentage of doctors.