
EADA helps Catalan executives to further their managerial skills

20 November 2014
General management and leadership

From left to right, Miquel Espinosa, EADA’s general director, and Ernest Plana, chairman of FOEG, during the signing of the collaboration agreement.

With a view to facilitating managerial training to Catalan companies, on November 7th EADA signed a collaboration agreement with a non profit organisation, the Federación de Asociaciones Empresariales de Girona (FOEG), set up in 1987, which represents companies, industry organisations and guilds throughout the province.

The agreement will allow the association’s partners to take the EADA Desarrollo Directivo - PDD programme, an essential programme for promoting managerial tools and skills related to the following areas: team management, negotiating, leadership, coaching, conflict management, personal efficacy and communication. Furthermore, enrolled students from FOEG will be offered the same services and terms and conditions as the other participants on the training programme.

According to David Ros, Director of Admissions on EADA’s Executive Programmes, “we have a great responsibility as regards the professional future of the managers of Catalan SMBs, which constitute the backbone of the productive economy and at the same time are the main source of new jobs”. In this respect, “the EADA PPD is perfectly suited to the needs of these professionals, with a methodology based on learning by doing which offers them a unique learning experience with over 100 hours devoted to managerial skills”.