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A Spanish Versión is available here
EADA Business School takes a step forward in its commitment to developing new models of higher education for a more sustainable society. As a member of the Higher Education for Good Foundation -the first non-profit education and research network created by our partner SKEMA Business School -, EADA is one of the educational and research institutions around the world that is part of the Global Youth Observatory. The mission of this observatory is to rethink higher education models by giving a voice to young people. According to this foundation, current higher education models no longer adapt to the challenges that affect young people, since many of these models are based on values that no longer make sense for this generation.
The first initiative of the observatory is Youth Talks, of which EADA Business School is a founding member, along with 6 other organizations. This is the largest global consultation aimed at young people aged 15 to 29 in which they openly express their opinions about their expectations, concerns and main ambitions related to their future.
The results obtained from this consultation should help the foundation to propose new approaches to learning and teaching, redefining both what they learn and the way in which they learn it. In short, it is a unique opportunity to build together a sustainable future by and for young people around the world.
For the first time, and unlike other surveys and consultations, young people are asked open questions about their aspirations and challenges. It is a global consultation that contrasts the different answers obtained considering factors such as the country of origin or the socioeconomic situation of the person responding. All data collected has been analysed through Bluenove, a technology and consulting company specialized in natural language processing (Artificial Intelligence).
This information is crucial, not only to know young people better but to rethink higher education models. With more than 1 million responses worldwide and more than 1,000 in Spain, below we present the conclusions based on the data obtained from young people in Spain.