Reskill to Regenerate

We aim to reskill professionals so they can grow businesses and organisations that make a positive impact in our world.
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The challenges in today’s business world

Since 2017, EADA has placed sustainability at the centre of its programme portfolio, together with its strategic commitment to focus on the development of a sustainable leadership model (for participants, alumni, client companies and organisations) that encompasses the full spectrum of human sustainability in society, the environment, the economy, ethics and equal opportunities.

Against the current backdrop of the financial crisis, post-pandemic, the technological revolution and its impact, the reality of climate change, global inequality, macroeconomic uncertainty and mass migration, there is a call for business schools to assume the responsibility of not only developing and training future managers but also of mobilising a company’s potential as a force for good. Companies can no longer stand on the side lines; they need to take action when faced with this constantly evolving situation by working together with individual or collective stakeholders to be able to adapt and acquire new skills according to the changing economic tide

The challenges of the 21st century demand that companies rethink the commercial models of high volume - low cost that, despite leading to rapid growth, have also aggravated the multiple crises currently facing global society. Embracing a changing labour market and gaining new competencies are not only important for a person’s employability but are also essential for the rejuvenation of organisations to give them a new life in society and the sector they operate in.

Reskill to Regenerate, our purpose

Reskill - Profesionales
To - Organizaciones
Regenerate - Impacto positivo

At EADA, we strive to continuously improve, train and empower the labour force of companies to be able to manage progress and continuous change in businesses, in a responsible, ethical and sustainable way in order to generate a positive impact in the world.

Los negocios pueden ser un motor de impacto positivo en la sociedad
Creemos que los negocios tienen una capacidad transformadora para la regeneración
La viabilidad financiera es compatible con el propósito de la empresa
Los profesionales de los negocios que se preocupan
Generamos impacto positivo

Reskilling (professionals)

A billion professionals around the world are being called upon to update their skills before 2030 and only 60% of what we know today will still be useful for our jobs in 20271.

1 “The Future of the Jobs 2020”, produced by the World Economic Forum.

Technological progress and a low-skilled labour market, especially in technology, will mean that future jobs will depend more on the skills we learn and develop during our professional career rather than the skill set we start out with. The Reskilling Revolution meets the demands of a major labour market transformation and the urgent need to update professional skills to be able to face it. Reskilling or retraining is a professional’s ability to adapt and reposition themselves within the labour market in a different area of expertise from the one they started in.

Professionals need to enter the reskilling process within a period of 3 to 5 years to avoid being left behind the wave of labour market trends. Before initiating a process of professional reskilling, it is important to consider in which direction to refocus your career or job and check it is in demand in the labour market to avoid wasted learning.

Mil millones de profesionales están llamados a actualizarse antes del 2030
El lifelong learning es la alternativa a la obsolescencia del mercado laboral mundial
No hacer nada no es una opción
Solo el 60% de lo que hoy sabemos, nos servirá para el desempeño de nuestras funciones laborales en el 2027
44% de los puestos de trabajo requerirán de hacer cosas distintas

Regenerate (our world)

Improving and updating professional skills will become the cornerstone for the growth of a resilient and global society, where business, society and the environment coexist in harmony, driving us towards a prosperous future in long-term sustainability.

Ir más allá de reducir el impacto negativo. Regenerar.
La era del calentamiento global ha finalizado y ha llegado la era de la ebullición global. (Antonio Guterres. UN Secretary General)
Las empresas con triple cuenta son aquellas que tienen viabilidad financiera, medioambiental y social
El 20% de la población mundial consume entre el 65-70% del stock mundial de metales. (Takuma Watari, Ryosuke Yokoi (2021)
Más de 1 billón de dólares se están invirtiendo globalmente en transición energética

Listen to what the professionals and experts are telling us

Jordi Díaz

Dean & Director General, EADA

Carles Navarro

CEO, BASF Española

Mario Rovirosa

CEO, Ferrer

Ramon Noguera

Academic Director, EADA

Verónica Devenin

Member of EADA faculty (Sustainable and Regenerative Businesses specialist). Member of the EADA Sustainability Hub

Federica Massa Saluzzo

Member of EADA faculty (Sustainability specialist). Member of the EADA Sustainability Hub
