Fernando Nuñez Garcia
Fernando Núñez holds a technical engineering degree in Telecommunications (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), a degree in Physical Activity Sciences and Sport (Universitat de Barcelona), and an MBA from EADA business school. He is CEO of the company OCISPORT BUSINESS, where he carries out his activities in the field of online and offline digital communications. As an entrepreneur he has created several companies such as PODOCAD (healthcare sector), WalkingCheck, the mobile geolocalisation technology sector via Mayoretty and Miclubdecompra, and Immoinform, offering real estate services. Ferran has also worked as a strategic consultant to companies, as a manager in the leisure/sports sector and as operations manager for MARES (an ESA and NASA project). He is an adjunct professor in the EADA Strategy, Leadership and People Department and Director of the Entrepreneurship programme.
MBA - Master of Business Administration | , EADA
Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Telecommunications Engineer, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Graduate in Science of Sport and Physical Activity, Universidad de Barcelona
CEO, Mayoretty (2011-)
Business Consultant, Freelance (2008-)
Lecturer, EADA (2008-)
CEO, Trevol Lleida, S.A. (2009-2011)
Marketing and sales Director, PODOCAD (Nercat, SCP) (2003-2010)
Adviser, Ridgerback (2008-2009)
Systems engineer and project operations manager, Nuevas Tecnologias Espaciales, S.A. (2003-2007)
Unit Administrator, Ones Guies Litoral (-2002)
Technical and Commercial Director, IMMOINFORM (2000-2002)
Lecturer, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (2001-2001)
Journal Article, Non-Scholarly
NUÑEZ GARCIA, F. (2005). Body Position Reproducibility and Joint Alignment Stability criticality on muscular strength research device. : Journal of Gravitational Physiology.