
Tuition Fee

The tuition fee includes:

  • Academic programme and company visits
  • Academic materials
  • Use of all facilities at the Barcelona City Centre Campus
  • Use of all facilities at the Collbató Residential Training Campus, transfer to and from the Campus
  • Access to the Knowledge & Information Centre (library) and related resources on and off campus
  • Access to EADA Careers resources and activities
  • Participation in company visits
  • Academic programme during the EADA exchange programme (excluding a small admin. fee)



Send your application before the deadline



Scholarship Committee reviews applications and makes final decision



Scholarship results announced via email


EADA scholarships for upcoming intakes

EADA awards scholarships to outstanding candidates who demonstrate the potential for superior performance in the programme. At EADA, we are committed to empowering the next generation of leaders who drive change and make a lasting impact across industries. Our merit-based scholarships are designed to support talented individuals, aged 21-25, who demonstrate motivation, impact, and growth potential. Scholarships cover between 10% and 25% of the tuition fee, with the exception of the Scholarship for Excellence, which covers up to 35%. Scholarships are limited and subject to availability. Early applications are encouraged.

  • Only candidates who have successfully completed the admission process are eligible to receive a scholarship. We encourage candidates to prepare their scholarship application as early as possible.
  • To accept a scholarship, candidates are required to enrol in their chosen master’s programme within 10 working days of being awarded the scholarship.
  • Candidates can apply to a maximum of two EADA scholarships, although they will receive a maximum of one award.
  • Scholarships and discounts do not stack; candidates who receive multiple awards will be automatically awarded the scholarship or discount with the highest value.
  • Acceptance of the scholarship entails participation in an academic or administrative project proposed by EADA during the academic year.

EADA scholarship application form

Scholarship applications must be sent together with your application for the master's programme. You will be notified of the result of your scholarship application together with the final decision of your admission. The required documentation must be received via email ( by the corresponding deadline.

Scholarship application deadlines for October 2025 intake

  • 20 December 2024: MBA Diversity Scholarship (International MBA)
  • 20 January 2025
  • 20 February 2025
  • 20 March 2025
  • 20 April 2025*
  • 20 May 2025*
  • Summer scholarships*

* Subject to availability. Certain EADA scholarships that have all been awarded in previous deadlines may no longer be available.

EADA Scholarships

For candidates with outstanding academic and/or professional experience. Candidates must have a GMAT score of 700 or higher or demonstrate an academic/professional record reflecting excellence. Up to 35% of the International MBA, the Bilingual International MBA and all International Master programmes Tuition Fees.
For athletes who are actively pursuing a career in sports or retired athletes. 10 - 25% of the programme fee.
For candidates who run a family business in various sectors. 10 - 25% of the programme fee.
Dirigida a candidatos con ideas de emprendimiento o emprendedores. Cubre entre el 10% y 25% de la matrícula del programa.
Dirigida a candidatas con perfiles académicos en los campos de la Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería o Matemáticas.
Aimed at female candidates who are seeking a professional career in the field of finance. Scholarships are based on the merits of each candidate and cover up to 25% of the programme fee.
Africa Scholarship, Asia Scholarship, Central & Eastern Europe Scholarship, EU Scholarship, North Africa, Near East & Middle East Scholarship and U.S. & Canada Scholarship. From 25% to 40% for the International MBA and up to 25% for the International Masters.

Interested in applying for one of our scholarships?

Request more information and our admissions team will advise you on your application.

Your financing options How to fund your education.

EADA Business School aims to attract the best talent, and we know that funding your business school education can be challenging. The decision to pursue a Master is a significant investment - we hope to make it affordable through a variety of opportunities for financing.

EADA Financial Aid

Finance your studies in 3 years with no interest with EADA Foundation. Limited places, contact your Admissions Manager for more details.

Funding for fiscal residents of Spain

EADA partners with Banc Sabadell to offer exclusive conditions. Contact your Admissions Manager for more details.

Have questions about fees and funding options?

Contact us and our admissions team will provide you with all the necessary information.