
International Master in Management participants visited Parc Tecnològic del Vallès

25 May 2011

On May 19th, International Master in Management participants visited Cerdanyola del Vallès accompanied by professors Nigel Hayes, the Master Director, Manuel Marín, the EADA Entrepreneurship Center coordinator, and Jennifer Ruiz, Project Manager of the area of dynamic clusters of ACC1Ó.

Xavier Garriga, Deputy Director of the New Technology Companies Agency highlighted the crucial role of the Parc Tecnològic del Vallès in promoting relations between companies and universities and especially the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, due to its vicinity. He was followed by Valentí Llagostera, head of development at the Parc de L"Alba, who commented on the current state of projects in progress and on the future agenda. Finally, Enric Vinyal, Executive secretary of CELLS-Sincrotrón Alba, accompanied EADA MIM participants on a tour around the Synchrotron Light Laboratory facility.