EADA Podcast - AULA 22: "Reskill to regenerate: New skills to meet today's global challenges"

We invite you on 28 September to attend the live start of the third season of the Aula 22 programme, the EADA podcasts, which you will be able to attend in event format.
Upgrading and updating professional skills is key to addressing today's major economic, social and environmental challenges. The challenge is no longer to minimise the negative impact, but to maximise the positive impact on companies and our environment.
Hence, the path to a sustainable future starts with leaders willing to develop new skills, able to guide their teams towards responsible and conscious practices and to make strategic decisions that bring about positive change in society. Only in this way will we succeed in regenerating the current ecosystem and, consequently, rethink our consumption and production models, promote social and economic equity, preserve the environment and, in short, contribute to a better world.
This is what is known as reskill to regenerate, a highly topical issue that concerns any professional in any sector and which we will discuss in the first podcast of the third season of the EADA Aula 22 podcast series, a new season that will focus on sustainable leadership. And we will do so with the following experts:
- Dr. Ramon Noguera, Academic Director of EADA.
- Dr. Josep Maria Coll, Professor of Strategy, Sustainability and Innovation at EADA, author of the study 'From value-based leadership to holistic impact: Can companies make the world a happier place?
- Leticia Andrades, EADA Alumna (graduated in 2019 from the Executive MBA) and General Director of Asproseat, a group of social entities that manages and promotes services for people with disabilities, as well as their families and other groups at risk of exclusion.
- Gertrudis Conde, Head of Communication of Barcelona+B, an initiative that has the support of institutions, companies and the academic world of Barcelona -including EADA- to promote a more prosperous, sustainable and inclusive city.