Online Master in Sustainability and Business Innovation

12 months
October 28th, 2024
Part time
3 - 5 years
17,500 € (Blended) / 16,500 € (Online)

Online Master in Sustainability and Business Innovation | Admission

Take advantage of starting the admission process early

Admission Round Result Payment of reservation

29 April 2024

06 May 2024 15 May 2024(15% early bird*)
20 May 2024 27 May 2024 5 June 2024 (15% early bird*)

24 June 2024

01 July 2024

10 July 2024 (10% early bird*)

15 July 2024 22 July 2024 31 July 2024
19 August 2024 26 August 2024 4 Sept 2024
23 Sept 2024 30 Sept 2024 9 Oct 2024

* Candidates who successfully complete the admissions process and enrol before the corresponding deadline are eligible for the early bird discount on tuition

Why is the admission process useful for the candidate?

Because it includes an interview with the Director of the Program, which is the most reliable mechanism to guarantee the fit of your professional objectives with the roles for which the programme prepares.

We review your professional career to date, we listen to your motivations and future challenges, and in this way we can identify the areas for improvement in which the program will impact to help you achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.

What does it mean to apply for admission?

It does not imply any commitment for the candidate, nor any cost. The application for admission to the program is an instrument for the Programme Director to ensure the commitment and level of professional competence of potential participants.

How is the process?

The process consists of providing the required documentation and conducting the admission interview with the Academic Director of the program or the Admissions Director.

To start the admission process, create your access account and complete the admission form. Once received, we will contact you to schedule the interview


The EADA Foundation, through its scholarship program, facilitates the development and growth of the professional career of the candidates, whether due to their professional profile, trajectory or future objectives.

The body responsible for awarding the scholarship is the Scholarship Committee, which evaluates the application and establishes the amount of the scholarship based on the following criteria:

  • Professional profile of the applicant.
  • Personal circumstances, income level and employment situation.
  • Concurrence of requests and budget available.

 Scholarship options:

  • EADA Foundation Scholarship
  • Female manager scholarship
  • SME company scholarship
  • Corporate scholarship
  • Entrepreneurial scholarship
  • Elite Athlete scholarship
  • Third sector scholarship

*In the case of granting a scholarship, the participant will have 10 days to formalize the registration in the program by paying the amount of the place reservation. Otherwise, once the term has elapsed, the granting of the scholarship will be without effect.

Payment format:


Students will be able to make their payments securely in their local currency and without unexpected interbank fees through the Flywire platform. Flywire is an international operator that works with more than 2,000 institutions in the educational sector, including the most prestigious business schools.

Request information