Academic secretary

At EADA, we know that your time is limited and that you need to invest it well. Therefore, we have developed the Virtual Secretary system so that all your academic procedures can be done online.

Request your documentation following the instructions you’ll find in the forms displayed in the Menu.

Academic Certificates

Attendance Certificate

Price: 15 €

You can request Attendance Certificates from the Online Secretary's Office. The certificate states the starting and finishing dates and the total number of attended classroom hours.

Personal Academic Certificates (Marks)

Price: 15 €

You can request Personal Academic Certificates from the Online Secretary's Office. This certificate lists the subjects and the subject grades as well as the final mark for the programme, the starting and finishing dates and the total number of class hours.


Cost: free

The enrolment certificate demonstrates that the participant has signed up for the programme and indicates starting, finishing dates and teaching hours.

Diplomas awarded by EADA

Attendance Certificate

This is EADA Business School's official accreditation document issued by Academic Secretary's Office to the participants.

Attendance and Progress Certificate

This is EADA Business School's official accreditation document issued by the Academic Secretary's Office to participants of Programmes of under 90 contact hours.


This is the EADA Business School's official accreditation document issued by the Academic Secretary's Office to participants of Programmes of over 90 contact hours.

Diplomas are handed out once a year during the EADA Academic Year Inauguration Ceremony. The Academic Secretary will send by registered mail (to addresses outside Catalonia) all diplomas not collected on that day.

Validation of EADA diplomas for foreign participants

According to the decree of April 16th, 1990 (State Gazette April 19th, 1990) academic documents that are not official and valid for the whole of Spain can be certified by a public notary.

In order to validate these diplomas, interested parties must follow these steps:

  • Enquire at their country's embassy about the necessary requirements for validating the diploma.
  • Go with the diploma to EADA's notary's office, which has already recognised our signatures.
    José Angel Ruiz Prado
    Pº de Gracia, 37-1º-1ª - Barcelona
    Telf. 932 153 725

Duplicate Diploma due to wear or loss

Price: 95 €

This is the EADA Business School's official accreditation document issued by the Academic Secretary's Office to participants of Programmes of over 90 contact hours.