Aline D. Masuda
Aline D. Masuda tiene un PhD y un Master en Psicología Organizacional Industrial por la State University of New York-Albany y la Missouri State University, respectivamente. Previamente, Aline fue Senior Project Manager de Towers Perrin-International Survey Research, en colaboración con clientes corporativos como BP y Novartis. También ha realizado investigaciones sobre el capital humano y la inteligencia de marketing para IBM y la investigación post-doctoral en IESE. Aline lleva a cabo investigaciones sobre motivación y liderazgo, actitudes de los empleados, el enriquecimiento entre trabajo y familia, y organización flexible del trabajo en todas las culturas. Profesora del Departamento de Estrategia, Liderazgo y Personas.
Motivation and Leadership; employee attitudes; work-family enrichment; and flexible working arrangements across cultures
Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Global Colloquium on Participant-Centered Learning, Harvard Business School
Ph D - Doctor of Philosophy | Industrial Organizational Psychology, University at Albany, State University of New York
MS - Master of Science | , Missouri State University
Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | B.S. in Psychology, Missouri State University
Academy of Management -
European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology - EAWOP
Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology -
Visiting Professor
Visiting Professor, Centrum - Pontificia Univesidad Católica del Perú (2010-)
Post Doctoral Researcher, IESE Business School (Barcelona) (2006-2008)
Academic Director for the Center for Research on Organization Work and Family, Strathmore Business School (Nairobi Kenya) (2006-2006)
Research Assistant, University at Albany (SUNY) (2003-2004)
Psychology Advisor, University at Albany (SUNY) (2002-2003)
Teacher, Missouri State University (2001-2002)
Research Assistant, Missouri State University (2000-2001)
Senior Project Manager, International Survey Research - ISR, now part of Towers Watson (Chicago - U.S.) (2005-2006)
Global Work Force Research , International Business Machines - IBM (New York - U.S.) (2004-2005)
Program Manager, International Business Machines - IBM (New York - U.S.) (2005-2005)
World Disney World College Intern, Walt Disney World (1998-1998)
Client Care, Nova Center of Ozarks (1997-1998)
Journal Article, Scholarly
MASUDA, A. , SORTHEIX, F. , Holtschlag, C. , Morales, C. (2023). When Gender is More Likely to Predict Pay via Self-Enhancement Values and Working Hours: The Role of a Country´s Level of Gender Inequality. : Applied Psychology: An International Review.
Holtschlag, C. , MASUDA, A. , Reiche, S. , Morales, C. (2020). Why Do Millennials Stay in Their Jobs? The Roles of Protean Career Orientation, Goal Progress and Organizational Career Management. : Journal of Vocational Behavior.
Morales, C. , MASUDA, A. , Holtschlag, C. (2019). The why and how of entrepreneurial action: An integrative model based on individual values and action theory.. : The Spanish Journal of Psychology.
MASUDA, A. , Sortheix, F. , Beham, B. , Naidoo, L. (2019). Cultural Value Orientations and Work–Family Conflict: The Mediating Role of Work and Family Demands. : Journal of Vocational Behavior.
Morales, C. , Holtschlag, C. , Marquina, P. , MASUDA, A. (2018). In which cultural contexts do individual values explain entrepreneurship? An integrative values-framework using Schwartz’s theories. : International Small Business Journal.
Holtschlag, C. , Reiche, S. , MASUDA, A. , , . (2018). How and When Do Core Self-Evaluations Predict Career Satisfaction? The Roles of Positive Goal Emotions and Occupational Embeddedness. : Applied Psychology an International Review.
MASUDA, A. , Holtschlag, C. , Nicklin, J. (2017). Why the availability of telecommuting matters: The effects of telecommuting on engagement via goal pursuit. : Career Development Internationall.
Lee, Y. , MASUDA, A. , Reiche, S. , Fu, X. (2017). Navigating between Home, Host, and Global: Consequences of Multicultural Team Members’ Identity Configurations. : Academy of Management Discoveries.
Masuda, A. , Locke, E. , Williams, K. (2015). The effects of simultaneous learning and performance goals on performance: An inductive exploration. : Journal of Cognitive Psychology.
HOLTSCHLAG, C. , MORALES ROSALES, C. , MASUDA, A. , MAYDEU, A. (2013). Complementary person-culture fit and career advancement: Matching individual and cultural values to predict hierarchical status. San Diego/USA/Elsevier: Journal of Vocational Behaviour.
MASUDA, A. , McNall, L. , Allen, T. , Nicklin, J. , , . (2012). Examining the Constructs of Work-to-Family Enrichment and Positive Spillover. : Journal of Vocational Behavior.
MASUDA, A. , POELMANS, S. , Allen, T. , Spector, P. , Lapierre, L. , Cooper, C. , Brough, P. , Ferrero, P. , Fraile, G. , Lu, L. , Lu, C. , Siu, O. , O’Driscoll, M. , Simoni, A. , Shima, S. , Moreno-Velazquez, I. , , . (2012). Flexible working arrangements availability and their relationship with work-to-family conflict, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions: A comparison of Three Country Clusters. : Applied Psychology: An International Review.
MASUDA, A. , Sortheix, F. (2011). Work-Family Values, Priority Goals and Life Satisfaction: A seven year follow- up of MBA students. : Journal of Happiness Studies.
Holtschlag , C. , MASUDA, A. (2011). The Impact of Career Visions on Work Attitudes: A Longitudinal Approach. : Career Development International.
MASUDA, A. (2011). Power Motives and Core Self Evaluation as Correlates of Managerial Morality. : Academic Leadership.
McNall, L. , MASUDA, A. , Shanock, L. , Nicklin, J. (2011). Interaction of Core Self-Evaluations and Perceived Organizational Support on Work-to-Family . : The Journal of Psychology.
McNall, L. , Nicklin, J. , MASUDA, A. , D’Agnisto, . , Mishra, . (2010). A meta-analytic review of the consequences of work-family enrichment. : The Journal of Business Psychology.
MASUDA, A. , Kane, T. , Shoptaugh, C. , Minor, K. , , . (2010). The role of a vivid and challenging “personal vision” on goal hierarchies. : The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied.
McNall, . , MASUDA, A. , Nicklin, . (2010). Flexible Work Arrangements and Job Satisfaction/Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Work-to-Family Enrichment. : Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied.
Kane, . , Zaccaro, . , Tremble , . , MASUDA, A. (2002). An examination of the leader’s regulation of groups. : Small Group Research.
Chapters in Scholarly Book
MASUDA, A. (2018). Schwarz Values: Implications for Global Work Family Research.. : .
MASUDA, A. , Kostopoulos, K. (2013). Diversity and Innovative Performance in Teams: The Role of Conflict Management Styles, Team and Leadership Identity. : Taylor & Francis Books.
MASUDA, A. (2013). Work–life policies and practices across countries. : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Shanock, L. , MASUDA, A. , Arboleda, M. (2012). Hispanics@Work: A Collection of Research, Theory and Application. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
MASUDA, A. , Visio, M. , , . (2012). Nepotism in Organizations. For Division 14, American Psychological Association, Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology. (SIOP Frontier Series). New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Martin, . , Leon, . , MASUDA, A. , Chinchilla, . (2010). No Matter Where You Are: A Practical Guide for Implementing Effective Work Family Policies Across Countries. Amherst , Massachusetts: HRD Press Inc..
MASUDA, A. , McNall, . (2010). No Matter Where You Are: A Practical Guide for Implementing Effective Work Family Policies Across Countries. Amherst , Massachusetts: HRD Press Inc..
Epie, . , Muriithi, . , MASUDA, A. (2010). No Matter Where You Are: A Practical Guide for Implementing Effective Work Family Policies Across Countries. Amherst , Massachusetts: HRD Press Inc..
POELMANS, S. , MASUDA, A. (2009). Workplace Psychological Health: Current Research and Practice. : Edward Elgar.
POELMANS, S. , Stepanova, E. , MASUDA, A. (2008). Handbook of Work and Family. : Elsevier.
Poelmans, . , Stepanova, . , MASUDA, A. (2008). Handbook of Work and Family Integration. Research Theory and Best Practices. Amsterdan, the Netherlands: Elsevier.
POELMANS, S. , MASUDA, A. (2008). Harmonizing Work, Family and Personal Life. From Policy to Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Poelmans, . , MASUDA, A. (2008). The harmonization of Work Family and Personal Practice: From Policy to Practice. : Cambridge University Press.
Jones, . , Levesque, . , MASUDA, A. (2003). Emerging Perspectives on Values in Organizations. Greenwich: Information Age Publications.
Technical Report
MASUDA, A. (2017). Understanding Organizational Behavior to Make Managerial Decisions. : .
MASUDA, A. (2016). How to motivate employees to perform well: Performe at work. : .
Journal Article, Non-Scholarly
Locke, E. , Williams, K. , MASUDA, A. , , . (2015). The virtue of Persistance. : The Industrial Organizational Psychologist.
MASUDA, A. (2009). Leading multicultural teams : Why should CIOs care?. : e-Penteo ICT Analyst.
Conference Proceeding
Holtschlag, C. , MASUDA, A. , Reiche, S. (2015). How and When Do Protean Careerists Change Work Attitudes. : Academy of Management Conference Proceedings.
Holtschlag, C. , Reiche, S. , MASUDA, A. , Garriga, E. , , . (2014). How and when do core self-evaluations predict career satisfaction? The roles of positive goal emotions and occupational embeddedness. : Academy of Management Proceedings.
Holtschlag, C. , MASUDA, A. , , . (2011). The impact of specific and difficult career visions on job satisfaction and turnover intentions.. : Academy of Management Meeting Proceedings.
MASUDA, A. , McNall, L. , Allen, T. , Nicklyn, J. (2010). Examining the constructs of work-family positive spillover and enrichment. Montreal: Academy of Management Meeting.
Working Paper
MASUDA, A. , Williams, . (2011). The effects of multiple learning and outcome goals on strategies and complex task performance.. : .
MASUDA, A. , Sortheix, F. (2011). Work-Family Values, Priority Goals and Life Satisfaction: A seven year follow- up of MBA students. : .
Yih-teen, L. , MASUDA, A. , Pablo, C. (2010). Leadership Emergency and Cultural Competencies in Multicultural Teams: The Interplay of Self, Host, and Global Cultural Identities.. : .
MASUDA, A. , McNall, . , Nicklin, . (2008). A Meta-Analytic Review of the Consequences Associated with Work-Family Enrichment. : EADA.
Book, Scholarly
Chinchilla, N. , Las Heras, M. , MASUDA, A. (2010). No Matter Where You Are: A Practical Guide for Implementing Effective Work Family Policies Across Countries. Amherst , Massachusetts: HRD Press Inc: .
Doctoral Theses
MASUDA, A. (2006). The effects of learning and outcome goals on the performance of a complex task: The mediating role of knowledge. New York: University at Albany.