Giorgia Miotto
Giorgia Miotto és Doctora per la Universitat Ramon Llull i Executive MBA per EADA Business School. Giorgia centra la seva recerca acadèmica en l'anàlisi de la relació entre la legitimitat organitzativa i l'ètica empresarial en el nou entorn de comunicació, en institucions d'educació superior, escoles de negocis i altres indústries com la moda i el comerç al detall. En els darrers anys ha exercit com a directora general de Blanquerna - Universitat Ramon Llull i, anteriorment, com a vicedegana de relacions corporatives i institucionals. És codirectora de l'Observatori de Legitimitat de l'Organització i professora associada de gestió d'empreses internacionals acreditada per ANECA i AQU i professora visitant al Departament de Màrqueting de l'Emerson College de Boston. Com a investigadora, es focalitza a analitzar com la legitimitat organitzacional proporcionada per una gestió ètica dels negocis (en sentit econòmic, social i mediambiental) té un impacte positiu als stakeholders i és un avantatge competitiu per a les organitzacions.
Legitimacy, Sustainability, Business management, strategy, consumer behaviour, brand perceived ethicality, Higher Education, fashion
Ph D - Doctor of Philosophy | , Ramon Llull University
MS - Master of Science | Master in Communication Strategy and Creativity, Ramon Llull University
Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Master in Communication Management, EADA
MBA - Master of Business Administration | , EADA
MA - Master of Arts | in Classical Literature, Universitá degli Studi di Padova
Organizational Legitimacy Observatory -
Global Compact - United Nations -
Associate Professor, EADA Business School (2024-)
Associate Professor (professor Titular), Ramon Llull University - Blanquerna (2016-)
Adjunt Professor, EADA Business School (2009-2016)
Visiting Professor
Visiting Professor, Emerson College Boston (USA) (2017-)
General Director, Ramon Llull University - Blanquerna (2021-2024)
Vice-dean for corporate relations, Ramon Llull University - Blanquerna (2016-2012)
Director of Strategic Marketing and Communication, EADA (2008-2016)
Executive MBA Marketing Manager, EADA (2007-2008)
Manager Visa / Diners Italia - Sales Training and Coaching Department, Citibank (2004-2007)
Z Series SW Business Consultant, IBM (Dublin, Ireland) (2003-2004)
Southern EMEA Key Account Manager, Symantes (Leiden, Holland) (2001-2003)
Journal Article, Scholarly
Hernández-Perlines, F. , Blanco-González, A. , Miotto, G. (2024). Innovation in family businesses: Exploring the influence of entrepreneurial orientation and absorptive capacity on innovative capacity. : Journal of Innovation and Knowledge.
Vila-Boix, L. , Blanco-González, A. , MIOTTO, G. , Hernández-Perlines, F. (2024). The impact of social media advertising on brand legitimacy. : International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal.
Díez-Martín, F. , MIOTTO, G. , Del-Castillo-Feito, C. (2024). The intellectual structure of gender equality research in the business economics literature. : Review of Managerial Science.
Paule-Vianez, J. , Fernández-Portillo, A. , Miotto, G. , Coca-Pérez, J. (2024). Relationship Between State Legitimacy, Economic Policy Uncertainty, and Entrepreneurship: Empirical Evidence From Europe. : American Behavioral Scientist.
Barba Rey, M. , Blanco - González, A. , MIOTTO, G. (2023). Percepción ética de la marca y valor de marca. : aDResearch ESIC International Journal of Communication Research.
Miotto, G. , Blanco-González, A. , Paule-Vianez, J. , Escamilla-Solano, S. (2023). Managing Perceived Legitimacy in Uncertain Times: The Effects of Long-Covid. : Tripodos.
Ferran Vila, S. , Yáñez, C. , Miotto, G. (2023). The implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Andorran cultural policy. : International Journal of Cultural Policy.
Blanco-González, A. , Díez-Martín, F. , MIOTTO, G. (2023). Achieving Legitimacy Through Gender Equality Policies. : Sage Open.
Ferran-Vila, S. , MIOTTO, G. , Rom-Rodríguez, J. (2022). The SDGs in the EU Cultural Policies: an institutional communication perspective. : Communication & Society.
Díez-Martín, F. , Blanco-González, A. , MIOTTO, G. (2022). The impact of state legitimacy on entrepreneurial activity. : International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal.
Díez-Martín, F. , MIOTTO, G. , Cachón-Rodríguez, G. (2022). Organizational legitimacy perception: Gender and uncertainty as bias for evaluation criteria. : Journal of Business Research.
Blanco-González, A. , Del-Castillo-Feito, C. , Miotto, G. (2021). The influence of business ethics and community outreach on faculty engagement: the mediating effect of legitimacy in higher education. : European Journal of Management and Business Economics.
Ferran Vila, S. , MIOTTO, G. , Rodríguez, J. (2021). Cultural Sustainability and the SDGs: Strategies and Priorities in the European Union Countries. : European Journal of Sustainable Development.
Payne, G. , Blanco-González, A. , Miotto, G. , del-Castillo, C. (2021). Consumer Ethicality Perception and Legitimacy: Competitive Advantages in COVID-19 Crisis. : American Behavioral Scientist.
Blanco-González, A. , MIOTTO, G. , Díez-Martín, F. (2021). Politics and Regionality: Does Region of Residence Affect the State’s Legitimacy?. : American Behavioral Scientist.
Blanco-González, A. , MIOTTO, G. , Díez-Martín, F. , Prado-Román, C. (2020). Relationship Between Equality Policies and Moral Legitimacy According to Experts’ Perceptions. : Tripodos.
Miotto, G. , Youn, S. (2020). The impact of fast fashion retailers' sustainable collections on corporate legitimacy: Examining the mediating role of altruistic attributions. : Journal of Consumer Behaviour.
Miotto, G. , Blanco-González, A. , Díez-Martín, F. (2020). Top business schools legitimacy quest through the Sustainable Development Goals. : Heliyon.
Miotto, G. , Del-Castillo-Feito, C. , Blanco-González, A. (2020). Reputation and legitimacy: Key factors for Higher Education Institutions’ sustained competitive advantage. : Journal of Business Research.
Chapters in Scholarly Book
Boix, L. , MIOTTO, G. , González, A. (2023). Privacy and Intimacy Concerns in Digital Marketing. : IGI Global.
Blanco-González, A. , Prado-Román, C. , Díez-Martín, F. , MIOTTO, G. (2021). Individual Organizational Legitimacy vs Online Organizational Legitimacy. : Springer International Publishing.
Case Study with Teaching Note
ROMAN COY, D. , MIOTTO, G. (2012). Tiritas Hydro. : .
Journal Article, Non-Scholarly
MIOTTO, G. (2010). RSC 2.0, el barómetro de la confianza. Barcelona: Capital Humano.