
Design your future, design your world

The Online Master in Management is a comprehensive programme designed to enhance the career opportunities of early-career professionals, preparing students for success in global business environments. It offers a blend of academic rigour and practical experience, focusing on strategic specialisations like Sustainability and Artificial Intelligence. The curriculum includes a mix of academic and professional faculty.

Small class size, the use of practical and experiential methodologies and participant diversity ensure an enriching and profound learning experience. Participants undergo personal growth through leadership development programmes and holistic skill development.

Programme Data

  • Curso: Online Master in Management
  • Modalidad: Online
  • Ubicación: Various locations
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Experiencia requerida: 3+ years
  • Dedicación: Tiempo parcial
  • Próximo inicio: 28 Oct. 2024
  • Duración: 12 Months


Global Perspective

Immerse yourself in a truly international learning environment, connecting with peers from diverse cultural and academic backgrounds to gain a holistic understanding of global business dynamics.


Cutting-edge Specialisations

Choose from strategic specialisations in Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence, Exponential Organisations, and Data Analytics, empowering you with skills at the forefront of contemporary business demands.


Innovative Learning Methodology:

Experience a hands-on, learning-by-doing approach through case study analysis, critical incident solutions, simulations, and outdoor training. This innovative methodology fosters practical skills essential for effective management.


Holistic Professional Development

Beyond academic excellence, our program focuses on personal growth and leadership. Benefit from Executive Coaching sessions with certified coaches to enhance self-awareness, team interaction, and strategic career planning.

Programa dirigido a:

The Online Master in Management is targeted towards students from diverse backgrounds, both cultural and academic, wishing to gain a general management education with the additional benefit of strategic specialisations during the final third of the programme.

The programme attracts high potential participants who aspire to a global business career. In addition to the core management competencies, participants develop personal and professional skills in the areas of communication, negotiation, teamwork and leadership.

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Programme objectives

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Strategic Leadership Proficiency:

You will demonstrate a high level of proficiency in strategic leadership, enabling them to make informed decisions in complex global business environments. The programme will equip you with a global mindset and the ability to navigate international markets effectively.

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Specialised Expertise:

Depending on your chosen specialisation, you will possess advanced knowledge and skills in a specific area, making you a valuable asset in industries that demand expertise in these fields.

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Effective Change Management and Innovation:

You will excel in change management, digital transformation, and fostering a culture of innovation within organisations. In addition you will be adept at implementing digital strategies for competitive advantage and continuous improvement.

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Holistic Professional Development:

Beyond academic achievements, as a student you will have undergone holistic professional development. This includes enhanced communication, negotiation, teamwork, and leadership skills, making them well-rounded professionals ready to contribute effectively to their workplaces.

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Application of Learning in Real-world Contexts:

The program's emphasis on practical methodologies, experiential learning, and exposure to real-life case studies will empower you to apply their learning effectively in professional settings and be capable of addressing real-world business challenges with practical solutions.


Executive Education - Programas abiertos
Financial Times


Executive Education - Programas a medida
Financial Times


European Business School Rankings
Financial Times

Programme structure

Programme workload

This online programme carries a workload of approximately 6 to 8 hours a week. An extra 2 hours should be added when working on the final project of the programme.

Sustainability strategy design and implementation

  • Bases of competitive strategy and the role of sustainability
  • The business case for sustainable transformation of business
  • Designing and implementing sustainability strategies
  • Case studies of firms that successfully integrated sustainability into competitive strategy

Global business strategy

  • Formulating and executing strategies for international market penetration
  • Analysing geopolitical and economic factors impacting global business
  • Developing a global mindset for effective decision-making

Finance & Accounting for decision making

  • Financial analysis and investment evaluation
  • Budget management in dynamic environments
  • Financial strategies in uncertain contexts

Customer Centricity & Marketing Intelligence

  • Customer Centricity & Customer Journey
  • Customer Data Analytics
  • Market Research & Customer Insight

Data Driven Strategy & Innovation

  • Data science & Use of data for strategic decision-making.
  • Integrating Data-based technologies
  • Implementation of dashboards and analytics tools

Agile Methodology Applications in Projects, Teams, and Organisations

  • Agile Principles and Values
  • Technical Agility: Scrum as a tool for managing evolutionary projects, and Kanban in practice
  • Organisational Agility: Paradigms and models of organisations
  • Team management in agile environments
  • Business Agility: A business agility implementation model    

International Finance and Risk Management

  • Managing financial operations in a global context
  • Evaluating and mitigating financial risks in international markets
  • Currency management and hedging strategies


Marketing for Sustainable Growth

  • Models of brand growth and implications for marketing strategy
  • Understanding and influencing consumer behaviour
  • Efficiency and Effectiveness: Balancing short-term and long-term objectives

Operations & Global Supply

  • Continuous improvement and operational efficiency on a global scale
  • Optimising international supply chains for efficiency and resilience.
  • Managing logistics, procurement, and distribution on a global scale.
  • Sustainability considerations in international operations and in global supply chain practices.

Leadership module

  • Personal and transformational leadership
  • Managing commitment and motivation
  • Negotiation and managing conflict

Specialisation tracks

Master in Management Specialised in Sustainability

  • Circular Economy
  • Life Cycle Assessment

Master in Management Specialised in Artificial Intelligence

  • Learning to use AI as an ally to improve your performance
  • AI as an Strategic tool for Companies

Final project

The final project is part of the methodological mix and takes place during the programme. It allows the participant to integrate learning, evaluate the transfer of knowledge and ensure the consolidation of the programme’s objectives. The project, which receives tutor supervision, consists of being able to defend a plan of action that responds to a real business situation, and aims to reproduce the same type of challenge that a steering committee may face. The final project defence takes place at the end of the programme during an intense day of debate and reflection for the group of professionals involved.

Module: Executive Soft Skills (Collbató Residential Training Campus)

Personal Leadership

  • Self-awareness
  • Cognitive styles and associated behaviors
  • Foundations of Personal Leadership
  • Skills development
  • Learning and unlearning
  • Leadership models (situational leadership, authentic leadership, trust-based leadership...)
  • Communication as a fundamental leadership tool
  • Developing and leading high-performance teams (team stages, team roles, team learning...)
  • Leadership and change

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Executive Coaching
Coaching Ejecutivo

Para acompañar el proceso de desarrollo directivo integral, personal y profesional, ponemos a disposición del participante 3 sesiones de Coaching Ejecutivo conducidas por un coach certificado por la ICF (International Coach Federation) con el que se preparará un plan de desarrollo para potenciar varias áreas de mejora y ser más eficaz en las interacciones con tu equipo. Gracias a estas sesiones alcanzarás el grado de autoconocimiento necesario para dirigir tu carrera hacia las áreas donde puedes aportar más valor y, a la vez, alinearla con tus objetivos personales.

Antony Lewis Poole

Antony Lewis Poole

Antony Poole se graduó de la Birmingham University (Reino Unido) con un grado con honores en Estudios Internacionales. Tiene las cualificaciones profesionales en Educación, Formación y Desarrollo Organizacional y se ha graduado de ambos niveles de Omnicom Senior del Programa de Gestión de la Babson College in Boston. En 2007, completó el Advanced Management Program (PDD) del IESE.

Antony comenzó su carrera en Barcelona con un importante grupo financiero europeo en el área de desarrollo profesional y organizacional. Se incorporó a BBDO América del Norte (Toronto) en 1999 y de 2000 a 2009 fue el Director General de BBDO Universidad en todo el mundo. A finales de 2009, Antony fundó su propia empresa especializada en la educación y consultoría en las áreas de imagen de marca, comunicación de marca y la creatividad y el cambio organizacional. Pasado y presente de los clientes incluyen Adelphi Grupo, Bayer, Frito-Lay/Pepsico, Gulf Bank, IKEA, KAO Corporation, La Caixa, Marte, el Pacífico, Farmacéutica de Roche, Sara Lee, y Wrigley.


  • Al superar la totalidad del programa, según los requisitos académicos establecidos, recibirás el Diploma de Master in Management expedido por EADA Business School.

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