Davide Luzzini
Research Dean
Davide Luzzini es Doctor en Administración, Economía e Ingeniería Industrial por el Politecnico di Milano (Italia), y es profesor asociado de MIP Graduate School of Business. Anteriormente ocupó el cargo de Profesor en Audencia Business School (Francia) y Zaragoza Logistics Center-MIT Scale (España). Cuenta con experiencia en la enseñanza internacional en todos los niveles (Licenciatura, Master, MBA, Programas Corporativos). Su investigación se ha centrado en Compras y Supply Chain Management durante muchos años. Su investigación actual trata sobre la comida y las redes de innovación, las cadenas de suministro de impacto social y las relaciones comprador-proveedor. Davide ha publicado su investigación en varias revistas internacionales y es editor asociado del Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management and Operations Management Research.
Social Impact Supply Chains; Supply Chain Complexity; Buyer-Supplier relationships; Sustainable Food Systems; Empirical Research Methods.
Ph D - Doctor of Philosophy | , Politecnico di Milano
Academy of Management - AoM
Decision Science Institute - DSI
European Operations Management Association - EurOMA
International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association - IPSERA
Production and Operations Management Society - POMS
Member of the Executive Committee, IPSERA (2021-)
Full Professor, EADA Business School (2018-)
Associate Editor, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (2016-)
Research Affiliate, MIT (2016-)
Area Editor, Operations Management Research (2011-)
Associate Professor, EADA Business School (2017-2018)
Associate Professor, Zaragoza Logistics Center - MIT Scale (2016-2017)
Associate Professor, Audencia Business School (2014-2016)
Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Milano (2011-2014)
Faculty / Extended Faculty, MIP Graduate School of Business (2007-)
Responsible, IPSERA Doctoral workshop (2014-2018)
Director of the Executive Program in Strategic Purchasing , MIP Graduate School of Business (2012-2015)
Ashoka (2020 - )
ABB (2017 - 2018)
Mediolanum Bank (2014 - 2015)
Reale Mutua (2014 - 2015)
Siram (2014 - 2015)
Luxottica (2011 - 2014)
Finmeccanica (now Leonardo) (2011 - 2013)
IBM (2007 - 2012)
Unicredit (2010 - 2011)
Book, Scholarly
, S. , , A. , LUZZINI, D. , , M. , , M. , , F. (2024). A just transition towards making precarious work rare, safe, and legal. : Elgar Publishing.
MASSA SALUZZO, F. , LUZZINI, D. , Ricucci, R. (2023). The International Handbook of Social Enterprise Law: Benefit Corporations and Other Purpose-Driven Companies. : Springer.
LUZZINI, D. , Miemczyk, . , Bernardin, . (2016). SCM stratégique, relations acheteur-fournisseur et performance : vers une théorie du SCM. Editions Management & Societe (EMS): .
Patrucco, . , LUZZINI, D. , Ronchi, . (2015). Improving new product development performance-The mediating effect of supplier involvement and the role of the purchsing function. Scholar's Press: .
Journal Article, Scholarly
Longoni, A. , LUZZINI, D. , Pullman, M. , Seuring, S. , van Donk, D. (2024). Social enterprises in supply chains: driving systemic change through social impact. : International Journal of Operations & Production Management.
LUZZINI, D. , Longoni, A. , DIFRANCESCO, R. , Savaget, P. (2024). Driving systemic change research within the PSM community. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management.
Akın Ateş, M. , LUZZINI, D. (2024). Untying the Gordian knot: A systematic review and integrative framework of supply network complexity. : Journal of Business Logistics.
Patrucco, A. , LUZZINI, D. , Krause, D. , Moretto, A. (2023). What is the right purchasing strategy for your company? The fit between strategic intent, strategic purchasing and perceived environmental uncertainty. : International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.
Selviaridis, K. , LUZZINI, D. , Mena, C. (2023). How strategic public procurement creates social value: Evidence from UK anchor institutions. : Public Management Review.
DIFRANCESCO, R. , LUZZINI, D. , Patrucco, A. (2022). Purchasing realized absorptive capacity as the gateway to sustainable supply chain management. : International Journal of Operations & Production Management (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOPM-10-2021-0627).
Patrucco, A. , Harland, C. , LUZZINI, D. , Frattini, F. (2022). Managing triadic supplier relationships in collaborative innovation projects: a relational view perspective. : Supply Chain Management.
Kauppi, K. , LUZZINI, D. (2021). Measuring institutional pressures in a supply chain context: scale development and testing. : Supply Chain Management.
Gualandris, J. , Longoni, A. , LUZZINI, D. , Pagell, M. (2021). The association between supply chain structure and transparency: A large-scale empirical study. : Journal of Operations Management.
Acero Lopez, B. , LUZZINI, D. , Jesus Saenz, M. (2021). Introducing synchromodality: one missing link between transportation and supply chain management. : Journal of Supply Chain Management.
AKIN ATEŞ, M. , Suurmond, R. , LUZZINI, D. , Krause, D. (2021). Order from Chaos: A Meta-Analysis of Supply Chain Complexity and Firm Performance. : Journal of Supply Chain Management.
Gerke, A. , LUZZINI, D. , Mena, C. (2021). Innovation Configurations in Sport Clusters: The role of Interorganizational Citizenship and Social Capital. : Journal of Business Research.
Patrucco, A. , , A. , LUZZINI, D. , , A. (2020). Obtaining supplier commitment: antecedents and performance outcomes. : International Journal of Production Economics.
Patrucco, A. , Moretto, A. , Ronchi, S. , LUZZINI, D. (2019). Organisational choices in public procurement: what can public management learn from the private sector?. : Local Government Studies.
Longoni, A. , LUZZINI, D. , Pullman, M. , Habiague, M. (2019). Business for Society is Society's Business: Tension Management in a Migrant Integration Supply Chain. : JOURNAL OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT.
Pullman, M. , Longoni, A. , LUZZINI, D. (2018). EMERGING DISCOURSE INCUBATOR: The Roles of Institutional Complexity and Hybridity in Social Impact Supply Chain Management. : JOURNAL OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT.
Maestrini, . , LUZZINI, D. , Caniato, . , Maccarrone, . , Ronchi, . (2018). Measuring supply chain performance: a lifecycle framework and a case study. : International Journal of Operations and Production Management.
Longoni, A. , LUZZINI, D. , Guerci, M. (2018). Deploying Environmental Management Across Functions: The Relationship Between Green Human Resource Management and Green Supply Chain Management. : Journal of Business Ethics.
Patrucco, A. , LUZZINI, D. , Moretto, A. , Ronchi, S. (2018). Attraction in buyer-supplier relationships: Improving supply network performance through purchasing recognition and proficient collaboration initiatives. : Business Process Management Journal.
Patrucco, A. , LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2017). Achieving innovation through supplier collaboration: the role of the purchasing interface. : BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT JOURNAL.
LUZZINI, D. (2017). Big vs small agriculture: Is there a viable middle ground?. : Supply Chain Management Review.
Radaelli, G. , Lettieri, E. , Frattini, F. , LUZZINI, D. , Boaretto, A. (2017). Users' search mechanisms and risks of inappropriateness in healthcare innovations: The role of literacy and trust in professional contexts. : Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
Patrucco, A. , LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. , Essig, M. , Amann, M. , Glas, A. (2017). Designing a public procurement strategy: lessons from local governments. : Public Money & Management.
Maestrini, V. , LUZZINI, D. , Maccarrone, P. , CANIATO, F. (2017). Supply chain performance measurement systems: A systematic review and research agenda. : International Journal of Production Economics.
Maestrini, V. , LUZZINI, D. , Shani, A. , Canterino, F. (2016). The action research cycle reloaded: Conducting action research across buyer-supplier relationships. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.
Maestrini, . , LUZZINI, D. , Canterino, . , Shani, . (2016). Conducting action research in the context of buyer-supplier relationships. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.
Spina, . , Caniato, . , LUZZINI, D. , Ronchi, . (2016). External grand theories and research on Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: a systematic literature review. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management.
Patrucco, . , Scalera, . , LUZZINI, D. (2016). Risks and governance modes in offshoring decisions: linking supply chain management and international business perspectives. : Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal.
Patrucco, A. , LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2016). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Procurement Performance Management Systems in Local Governments. : Local Government Studies.
LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2016). Cinderella purchasing transformation: linking purchasing status to purchasing practices and business performance. : Production Planning & Control.
SPINA, G. , CANIATO, F. , LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2016). Assessing the use of External Grand Theories in Purchasing and Supply Management research. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.
Guerci, M. , Longoni, A. , LUZZINI, D. (2016). Corrigendum. : The International Journal of Human Resource Management.
Guerci, M. , Longoni, A. , LUZZINI, D. (2016). Translating stakeholder pressures into environmental performance – the mediating role of green HRM practices. : The International Journal of Human Resource Management.
RONCHI, S. , CANIATO, F. , LUZZINI, D. (2015). Total Cost of Ownership Along the Supply Chain: A Model Applied to the Tinting Industry. : SSRN Electronic Journal.
LUZZINI, D. , Brandon-Jones, E. , Brandon-Jones, A. , SPINA, G. (2015). From sustainability commitment to performance: The role of intra- and inter-firm collaborative capabilities in the upstream supply chain. : International Journal of Production Economics.
CANIATO, F. , Elia, S. , LUZZINI, D. , Piscitello, L. , RONCHI, S. (2015). Location drivers, governance model and performance in service offshoring. : International Journal of Production Economics.
LUZZINI, D. , Amann, M. , CANIATO, F. , Essig, M. , RONCHI, S. (2015). The path of innovation: purchasing and supplier involvement into new product development. : Industrial Marketing Management.
CANIATO, F. , RONCHI, S. , LUZZINI, D. , Brivio, O. (2015). Total cost of ownership along the supply chain: a model applied to the tinting industry. : Production Planning & Control.
KNOPPEN, D. , Ateş, M. , Brandon-Jones, A. , LUZZINI, D. , van Raaij, E. , Wynstra, F. (2015). A comprehensive assessment of measurement equivalence in operations management. : International Journal of Production Research.
LUZZINI, D. , Longoni, A. (2015). Do HRM practices help to translate stakeholder pressures into environmental performance?. : Academy of Management Proceedings.
Maestrini, V. , LUZZINI, D. (2015). Supply chain performance measurement system lifecycle. : Academy of Management Proceedings.
Piscitello, . , Elia, . , LUZZINI, D. , Ronchi, . , Caniato, . (2014). Location distinctive characteristics as antecedents of offshoring performance: the moderating effect of the governance model. : Global Strategy Journal.
LUZZINI, D. , Longoni, A. , Moretto, A. , CANIATO, F. , BRUN, A. (2014). Organizing IT purchases: Evidence from a global study. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.
Elia, S. , CANIATO, F. , LUZZINI, D. , Piscitello, L. (2014). Governance Choice in Global Sourcing of Services: The Impact on Service Quality and Cost Saving Performance. : Global Strategy Journal.
LUZZINI, D. , CANIATO, F. , SPINA, G. (2014). Designing vendor evaluation systems: An empirical analysis. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.
CANIATO, F. , LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2014). Purchasing performance management systems: an empirical investigation. : Production Planning & Control.
LUZZINI, D. , Longoni, A. , Guerci, M. (2014). Green HRM and SCM practices and their effects on environmental and economic performance. : Academy of Management Proceedings.
SPINA, G. , CANIATO, F. , LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2013). Past, present and future trends of purchasing and supply management: An extensive literature review. : Industrial Marketing Management.
LUZZINI, D. , CANIATO, F. , RONCHI, S. , SPINA, G. (2012). A transaction costs approach to purchasing portfolio management. : International Journal of Operations & Production Management.
LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2011). Organizing the purchasing department for innovation. : Operations Management Research.
CANIATO, F. , Golini, R. , LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2010). Towards full integration: eProcurement implementation stages. : Benchmarking: An International Journal.
LUZZINI, D. , RONCHI, S. (2010). Purchasing management in the luxury industry: organization and practices. : Operations Management Research.
Ronchi, . , LUZZINI, D. , Spina, . (2008). Supply chain coordination: the problem of Risk and Benefit sharing. : Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal.
Conference Proceeding
LUZZINI, D. (2021). Are Social Enterprises the answer to solve sustainability issues in Operations and Supply Chain Management?. : 8th EUROMA Sustainability Forum.
LUZZINI, D. (2020). A look at Social Impact Supply Chains in times of Covid-19. : IPSERA Workshop: Sustainable Supply Chains Versus Covid 19.
Journal Article, Non-Scholarly
Patrucco, A. , LUZZINI, D. , Ronchi, S. (2017). How purchasing contributes to firms competitive advantage? Enabling purchasing characteristics in supporting supplier collaborative innovation. : Excellence HA.
Chapters in Scholarly Book
Longoni, A. , LUZZINI, D. (2016). Building Social Capital into the Disrupted Green Coffee Supply Chain: Illy’s Journey to Quality and Sustainability. : Emerald Group Publishing Limited.