Marketing, Operacions i Supply

Rita Maria Difrancesco

Rita Maria Difrancesco


Rita Maria Difrancesco és Doctora i Post-doc en Supply Chain Management per la WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management (Alemanya) i té un Màster en Gestió d'Enginyeria a la Universitat Sapienza de Roma (Itàlia). Va ser professora visitant al MIT (EUA) i investigadora visitant a la Kellogg School of Management (EUA). Abans d'incorporar-se al món acadèmic, va treballar en els camps de la gestió de projectes, consultoria informàtica i logística. Els seus interessos de recerca se centren en la venda al detall omnicanal, la gestió de devolucions de productes, les cadenes de subministrament de circuit tancat i la sostenibilitat. Va publicar i presentar el seu treball en revistes i congressos internacionals a Europa i als EUA. Té experiència docent internacional en els camps d'operacions i gestió de supply chain, operacions de comerç electrònic i sostenibilitat. Rita és Associate professor d'Operacions i Supply chain Management al Departament de Màrqueting, Operacions i Supply Chain d'EADA.

Online and Omnicahnnel Retail; Sustainable Supply Chain; Closed-Loop Supply Chains

Ph D - Doctor of Philosophy | Doctoral Degree in Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management-WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management (Germany)

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Visiting Scholar, Kellogg School of Management (US)

MS - Master of Science | Master Degree in Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering-Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)

BS - Bachelor of Science | Bachelor Degree in Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering-Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)

Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) -


Associate Professor, EADA Business School (2023-)

Assistant Professor, EADA Business School (2016-)

Post-Doc, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management (2015-2016)

Research Assistant, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management (2011-2015)

Visiting Scholar, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University (2012-2012)

Visiting Professor

Visiting Professor, MIT - Center for Transportation and Logistics (2018-2018)


Logistics Manager, Propac (2010-2011)

Business Analyst, Soft Strategy (2010-2010)

Assistant to Operations Manager, BNP Paribas (2009-2010)

Chapters in Scholarly Book

Yates, D. , DIFRANCESCO, R. Accountability Research Ethnographic Methods in Organisation and Accounting. : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

Journal Article, Scholarly

LUZZINI, D. , Longoni, A. , DIFRANCESCO, R. , Savaget, P. (2024). Driving systemic change research within the PSM community. : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management.

DIFRANCESCO, R. , Meena, P. , Kumar, G. (2022). How blockchain technology improves sustainable supply chain processes: a practical guide. : Operations Management Research.

DIFRANCESCO, R. , LUZZINI, D. , Patrucco, A. (2022). Purchasing realized absorptive capacity as the gateway to sustainable supply chain management. : International Journal of Operations & Production Management (DOI:

Yates, D. , DIFRANCESCO, R. (2021). The View from the Front Line: shifting beneficiary accountability and interrelatedness in the time of a global pandemic. : Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (DOI:

DIFRANCESCO, R. , Meena, P. , Tibrewala, R. (2021). Buyback and risk-sharing contracts to mitigate the supply and demand disruption risks. : European Journal of Industrial Engineering (DOI: 10.1504/EJIE.2021.116140).

Kumar, G. , Meena, P. , DIFRANCESCO, R. (2021). How do collaborative culture and capability improve sustainability? . : Journal of Cleaner Production (DOI:

DIFRANCESCO, R. , van Schilt, I. , Winkenbach, M. (2021). Optimal in-store fulfillment policies for online orders in an omni-channel retail environment. : European Journal of Operational Research (DOI:

DIFRANCESCO, R. , Huchzermeier, A. (2020). Multichannel retail competition with product returns: the impact of restocking fee legislation. : Electronic Commerce Research and Application (DOI:

DIFRANCESCO, R. , Huchzermeier, A. , Schroeder, D. (2018). Optimizing the return window for online fashion retailers with closed-loop refurbishment. : Omega - The International Journal of Management Science (DOI: .

DIFRANCESCO, R. , Huchzermeier, A. (2016). Closed-Loop Supply Chains: A Guide to Theory and Practice. : International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications (DOI: