Marketing, Operacions i Supply

Julia Wolny

Julia Wolny


Dra. Julia Wolny és experta en Màrqueting Digital i Investigació del Consumidor i editora associada del Journal of Research in Interactive Màrqueting. Amb un doctorat en Personalització de l'experiència del client digital (Salford University, Regne Unit) i anys formatius en el sector del disseny i la moda a Londres, uneix els elements comercials i creatius de la innovació. Té un Postgrau en Educació per la University of the Arts London, Online Tutoring Diploma per Oxford Brookes University i és llicenciada en Fashion Management per la University of the Arts London. La Dra.Wolny ha assessorat sobre projectes de recerca de transformació digital a les indústries minorista, educativa, editorial, creativa i cultural, presentats tant a IBM com a Google.

Responsible Marketing, Mission-driven Innovation, Customer Experience, Responsible Retail, Sustainable Business Models, Fashion and Design Management, Creative Learning Methods, Design Thinking, Knowledge Transfer Academia - Industry, Community Engagement

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Postgraduate Certificate in Education, University of the Arts London

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | Online Tutoring Diploma , Oxford Brookes University

Ph D - Doctor of Philosophy | , University of Salford

Other (e.g. Graduate in Psychology, Engineering...) | BA (Hons) Fashion Management , University of the Arts London

Academy of Marketing -

Academy of Marketing Science -

Higher Education Academy -

Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing -


Digital Innovation, Market Strategy and Research Consultant , (2008-)

Director, Fashion Business Studio (Enterprise & Employability Agency at London College of Fashion / UAL) (2009-2011)

Senior Lecturer in Marketing / Director of BA Fashion Management PT Programme , London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London (2005-2009)

Visiting Professor

Viisting Professor - Design Thinking (Master in Innovation), Goldsmiths University (2017-2020)

External Examiner, Regents University London (2014-2018)


Chair of e-Marketing SIG, Academy of Marketing (2013-2018)

Associate Professor in Marketing and Experience Design, University of Southampton (2011-2018)

Digital Innovation, Market Strategy and Research Consultant for various organisations, commercials, NGOs, Trusts and Foundations (2008 - )

Chapters in Scholarly Book

WOLNY, J. (2024). Sustainable Transformation in Business & Management Higher Education: An Analysis of Global and European Collaborative Initiatives for Positive Impact. New York: Edward Elgar Publishing.

WOLNY, J. (2022). Customer journey as participatory service ecosystem. London: Sage.

Ashman, R. , WOLNY, J. , Solomon, M. (2017). The Quantified Self: Self-Regulation in Cyborg Consumers. : Routledge Companion to Consumer Behaviour.

WOLNY, J. (2016). Marketing Communications in a Digital Age. : Marketing Theory.

Journal Article, Scholarly

WOLNY, J. (2022). "Innovation and Collaboration in the Digital Era: The Role of Emotional Intelligence for Innovation Leadership and Collaborative Innovation” Book Review . Wiley : R&D Management Journal.